
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Iguazu - Day 1

Sorry that I have not been able to post.  I am making an attempt to update my blog from the computer at the University of San Andres.  Because of the computer issues these posts will not be exactly chronological, but still should include some of the amazing things I was able to do down in Argentina. 

We decided to take a 17 hour bus ride to Iguazu on our long weekend.  It was actually a pretty comfortable ride on Via Bariloche.  Our dinner, breakfast, coffee, blanket and pillow were all included.  The round trip was only $250 USD, which I thought was reasonable for such a long journey.

We arrived at Iguazu and it had been raining so some of the areas were closed.  Our first day at the park it continued to be quite a dreary day, but I still was able to take same great pictures and video. 

These waterfalls were voted one of the seven natural wonders of the world a couple of years ago and are truly stunning in person.  They are considered one of the top tourist attractions for all of Argentina.

We started at some of the smaller waterfalls like the one pictured above. 

These little guys were wondering around freely and were pretty good at getting food from the tourists.
I think this picture is great at showing exactly how wide the waterfalls were.  It sometimes seemed as if they went on forever.  In fact, if my research proves me correct, these are the widest chain of waterfalls in the world.

I actually stood where the guy with the trench coat is... but it was too wet to take a picture.

Entrance into the park was $130 ARS Pesos, but with views like this one... I think it was worth it.  Also, if you got your ticket stamped the first day - your entrance the second day was half price.

It is my opinion that this is something you really have to see in person, but video is a little closer to doing this justice than photos so I thought to include some.

I will update more as time allows.  The new part for my computer should be here on Friday and then I will be able to catch up on some of the things that I have been doing.



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