
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

La Bomba de Tiempo

Tonight we had a group excursion to La Bomba de Tiempo.  We all were told to meet on the B line of the subway here at a stop in the Abasto Mall.  It turns out that inside of this mall they have a play place for the children.  It is called Neverland.  I am sure they were going for a Peter Pan theme, but all I could think of was Michael Jackson.

As I was going up the escalator with a couple of the girls I noticed that the V wasn't light up.  I made the comment... man, just like when kids left Neverland Ranch... missing their "V."  (The V I am referring to is "V"irginity - for those of you not following.)  It wasn't my best work, but I thought it was clever.

The outside of the mall was pretty fancy though.

Abasto Mall - Buenos Aires, Argentina
The shows that we went to see were at the Ciudad Cultural Konex which was a pretty interesting venue for a show.

If I am being honest I really liked the opening act more than La Bomba de Tiempo, but that is because the opening act had a singer in the group.  I took short videos of both, but could only get one to work - luckily it's of the act I liked more. 

The dancers were also included  in the entertainment of the first group.  A big chunk of our group left during the first song of the headliner.  I left after I had been there for a few songs... because I felt like I was probably going to have a pretty good contact high going if I stayed much longer.

La Bomba de Tiempo
I am feeling a little under the weather tonight - so that is all until next time.



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