
Thursday, June 14, 2012


Let me start off by saying that I didn't blog yesterday because yesterday was a really terrible day for me.  It started with trying to get on the Subway, which was completely packed.  Then all of the sudden it just wasn't moving anymore and some man came on the loud speaker and was giving some sort of instructions in Spanish that I didn't understand and so I just left.  I got to school by riding the bus for the very first time and arrived 30 minutes late.  Then the guy at the coffee shop ran out of milk during my break, I forgot my glasses so I couldn't read the board in class and then we had to go to the museum.  After the museum I tried to go to the grocery store and some lady in the 10 items or less lane took about 20 minutes by herself to check out one item: toilet paper.  I returned from the gym and tried to talk to my host mom about some things that I believe were in great working order before the maid arrived and then not-so-much after she cleaned my room.  I can't speak Spanish well enough to explain what happened and she was frustrated.  Oh, and my cell phone ran out of minutes without any warning and I couldn't find a kiosk that sold my type of card and every single newsstand I stopped at didn't sell the comic I wanted to buy.  At home the water heater exploded and I found out that it is going to cost over $600 for the replacement we had to purchase and then Jason's request for his comp time to be paid out didn't go through because the police department has failed to cross-train it's management staff and move from the dark ages of hand written time cards.

Anyway... that was a huge paragraph about what went wrong yesterday.  I did end up taking a picture of my favorite painting at the Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA).  I like the colors.

I ended up not completing much of my homework I wanted to get done early and I had a test today.  I think everything went alright, but it's just a lot of things packed into a short amount of time.  I had a decent day today and got everything turned in that needed to be done before we leave tomorrow for the gauchos.  Apparently we are headed 2 outside of the northernmost train stop in the city to hang out with horses and cowboys tomorrow... which should be pretty cool.

I tried a couple new types of wine and both were pretty delicious, I think I am starting to develop a pallet for different types of wine and am picking up on types that I might like versus ones that I know I will hate.

So... this blog was a bit scattered, but the last couple of days haven't been as put together as I normally like. Tomorrow is a new day and the start of the weekend... so I promise I'll be more fun moving forward.

Oh, and Jason accepted a new job with the Johnson County District Attorney's Office so his last day with the police department will be June 28th.  I am ridiculously proud of him. :)

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