
Monday, June 25, 2012

San Telmo & Sushi Club

We made the trek to the San Telmo arts/crafts/antiques fair that happens every Sunday.  According to the website the fair has been happening every Sunday since 1970, which is a pretty impressive run.  I am pretty sure this is something I will want to bring Jason to when he gets in country because there are so many things that, if they aren't too expensive, would probably make great little gifts.

As you walk into the street art section you just see all of these amazing prints on both sides of you as you walk down the street.
This is an example of just one of the probably over 100 stalls that were at the fair.  It was a pretty impressive display of things that no one needs, but everyone wants.
This fine gentleman was providing a little bit of last minute entertainment on the way out of the fair.
After San Telmo I met up with an old friend named Tammy.  I went to undergraduate with her and she moved away to do awesome things and I moved away to do other things and we just happen to both be in Buenos Aires for a short while together.  It's pretty great to have friends that even though you haven't kept in touch with very well you can still hang out with them.

She has a friend that is from Buenos Aires and he took us to another park that was filled with more local individuals.  It was pretty and obviously in the distance there were still large corporate buildings.

We walked around and got to see the Ecological Reserve from a bridge close to it.  There are better parts I was assured, but you had to walk around it and we were hungry...

Ecological Reserve
We had been craving Sushi for several days so we decided to break down and head to Puerto Madero for some delightful sushi.  We ended up choosing a fantastic place called Sushi Club that is not available in the U.S. and were able to sit outside in the 60 degree weather with no problem.

View from one of the bridges at Puerto Madero
All of these plates were full of sushi when we began...
The cost of the sushi wasn't outrageous.  Tori and I shared a 30 piece combination and water (which you pay for here) and 1/2 of an appetizer for about $38 USD each.  Also, they were playing Adele throughout the meal which I kind of enjoyed... 

Another successful day in Argentina - until next time.



1 comment:

  1. I ran through the Ecological Reserve and it was much prettier than the formerly-river brush that we saw.

    Otra cosa... se te olvidó mencionar tu adicción asombrosa al wasabi :)
