
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Palermo Parks & Evita Museum

Today was a beautiful day in Argentina.  There wasn't a cloud in the sky and even though most of the locals thought it was cold - by Kansas standards this was a fall/spring day and not a winter day.  So I seized the opportunity to go to some of the parks and monuments in the Palermo area.

The first monument (pictured below) is the Monumento de los Cuatro Regiones Argentinas.  It's a pretty nice statue in a very busy intersection.

It's a beautiful statue, but please look very closely for the social commentary here...

This resident of the streets was obviously doing his weekly laundry and taking a bath in the fountain water.  Not pictured here is his lady friend who came to check on his progress a short time later.

Near this monument is the beautiful park that surrounds Lake Palermo that is tucked away in this section of the city.  It is only 2 stops on the subway north from my house and about 5 blocks to the east.  It was pretty easy to navigate and find.

The entrance to the park welcomes you with these beautiful fountains.  The sky was absolutely beautiful all afternoon.

Above a portion of the lake is pictured with the business there that sells paddle boats.  I did opt to take one of the paddle boats around the lake to snap more than a few photos...

After I finished at the Palermo Lake I visited the Evita Museum.  Anyone who is anyone is Argentine history has some sort of museum dedicated to him/her and this one dedicate to Eva Peron did not disappoint.

There were many displays dedicated to her sense of fashion and the one above was one of the many displays concerning her hat collection.

She famously received much of her clothing from outside of Argentina - like the dresses pictured above.

This reads: Passion, Courage, Work, Dignity, Greatness, Solidarity.  This was included in a room that had many artifacts related to Evita's work advocating for orphan children and the disabled elderly.  Regardless of your political positions... I think you can still stand in awe of her unique life.

Tonight's plan is to celebrate the birthday of one of the other student's on the trip...



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