
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo

Today we had a pretty regular day at school with a bunch of Spanish and grammar and reading and talking… however on my way to class I got to see 3 special presidential guards… which were pretty decked out.  That’s Katy – a girl that I taught how to take the Subte (subway) today.
Buenos Aires Day 4 001
After classes we went to the Plaza de Mayo to watch the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo walk at 3:30 p.m. as they do every Thursday.  Their organization was formed 35 years ago and they still come to the Plaza de Mayo every single Thursday to walk.

This is the Casa Rosada, the Presidential Residence. 

Statue of General Manuel Belgrano in the Plaza de Mayo

This is a equestrian statue that is dedicated to General Manuel Belgrano.  Manuel Belgrano was a central figure during the Argentine move for independence.

Buenos Aires Day 4 010
May Pyramid – celebrating Argentina’s Revolution.

Madres de la Plaza de Mayo

These are the Madres de la Plaza de Mayo – Linea Fundadora. 

Madres de la Plaza de Mayo - Associacion

These are the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo – Association.  This is a more radicalized faction of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo who have decided to take a more pro-active political stance than the others who still walk simply to get answers about their missing children.

So it was really pretty sad to watch these mothers.  The Mothers in the top photograph still walk with their original head scarves with the names of their missing children embroidered in them.
I thought this would also be a good time to highlight what the police force looks like in Argentina compared to Lawrence, KS.  I got a few of them to accept me taking a picture of them.  All of them were ignoring me until one guy in particular just yelled “CHE! PHOTO!” and all of them stopped talking and waited for me to take the photo.
Policia Federal de Buenos Aires
I especially like the guy with the baton that seems like he is completely ready in case stuff really goes down… They also have their version of the PTV available apparently in case a bunch of people all of the sudden decide to get crazy.
Tonight the plan is to eat here at home and then go to a Latin dancing class at the gym my host mom’s go to and then out to a bar in town that is pretty close to my house to take advantage of free pizza Thursday’s there.

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